No, but it DOES qualify you for Nurse Coaching Board Certification through the American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation.
The Integrative Nurse Coach Certificate Program is specifically and exclusively designed for nurses.
We approach coaching as a nursing specialty, viewing health and wellbeing through a nursing lens.
Our program is about Self-Development of the nurse as well as teaching coaching skills, developing a holistic philosophy of care, and even clinical meditation and imagery approaches.
We have a community of 1,100+ nurses who support each other and we provide ongoing opportunities to continue on the journey to promote healthy lifestyles and wellbeing.
While NBHWC has a great reputation, and we were originally an approved program of theirs (they actually use our textbook in their study guide for their exam), we opted to not renew our program with NBHWC as they are not nurse-centric and focus more on lay coaching.